You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2010.

So I’m a little late with my wrap up of all thing two-oh-oh-nine but I have opinions you see and I want all 4 of you to be aware. 

I think I’ve had one of those years of extremes. I’ve had some pretty massive lows but they’ve been accompanied by some pretty awesome highs. So if you believe in the theory that the universe balances things out maybe oh-ten will be a little less dramatic and just sort of consistently coolbeans. 

So onto some of the before mentioned opinions. I really don’t like doing top 5 lists because unless I can see very clear distinctions between each place, I don’t like having to decide which way to order things. My inability to make decisions is something I’ll work on in oh-ten. But for the sake of being interesting and effortlessly pop-culturally aware i’ll give it a go.


Obviously I didn’t see every film released in 09′ so I’m sure I’ve missed some treasures.

5.Inglourious Basterds I feel like I’m at the theatre when I see a Tarantino film. It’s just the mixture of banter, a dramatically charged monologue, a sexy musical montage oh and the over the top violence. Always makes for memorable cinema.

4. Tie: An education/Coco before Chanel These two tie because they satisfied me in much the same way. An education was very pretty and I love any chance to pretend I can relate to coming of age in the 60’s. Coco Avant Chanel was also incredibly pretty and I just love stories (real or fictional) where individuals realise their potential and do it in their very own way… and in exceptional style. So yeah both of these films were about navigating through life and wearing beautiful clothes at the same time.

3. (500) days of summer This is the guilty pleasure of the list. It’s like a marriage of lots of my favourite things on screen. Zooey, awkward boys, music, quirky fashions and love. I don’t care if it makes me completely generic to like this film. Zooey and me go way back.. and as for deriving pleasure from love stories (or in this case, not so lovely stories) I found a lot of relatable material in there and some resonating truths. Oh and Zooey.

2. Up Up was just one of those feel good after you leave the cinema films. Not only did it have some of the best comedy I’ve seen all year but Pixar just continues to deliver wonderful characters. They’re just really good at telling stories… and stories that appeal to everyone, not just the kiddies. Squirrel!

1. Mary and Max – This makes my number one for a few reasons. Mainly because I just had no expectations about it before I watched it and by the end I was dabbing tears and feeling inspired. Inspired and jealous. Jealous because I don’t think i’ll ever be able to dream up stories like that, which have such a distinctive visual style but also contain so many brilliant little seemingly random intricacies in the storytelling. It was like reading a beautiful handmade picture book.

Honorable mentions- Coraline – District 9 – Where the Wild Things Are – The Boat that Rocked – Star Trek – Gran Torino – Samson and Delilah

Movies I’d like a refund for – The Invention of Lying – Year One 


5. Coconut Records – Davy – I dig this album. I think the reason for this is that so much of their stuff reminds me of The Kinks and I love them. Top tracks – Drummer, Any Fun

4. Mumford and Sons – Sigh no More – I only got this a few weeks ago but I’m really into it. I just can’t go past a jaunty jig. Top tracks – The Cave, White Blank Page

3. Mayer Hawthorne – A Strange Arrangement – A modern take on some classic motown sounds. There’s some very obvious influences in quite a few tracks but it doesn’t detract from the music. It’s probably better for it. Top Tracks – Make  Her Mine, The Ills

2. Sarah Blasko – As Day Follows Night – My favourite Sarah Blasko album so far. I just really liked the jazzier direction this album took. Top Tracks – Bird on a Wire, We Won’t Run, Lost & Defeated

1. Florence and the Machine – Lungs – I can’t stop listening to this album. So much vocal power. Sometimes reminds me of very early Sarah McLachlan. It’s a really rich and quite diverse album. Top Tracks- Cosmic Love, Girl with One Eye, Howl, Hurricane Drunk, Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)…. pretty much the whole album.

Honorable Mentions –  Andrew Bird – Noble Beast, Camera Obscura – My Maudlin Career, Grizzly Bear – Veckatimest, Phoenix – Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, Air – Love 2


Clancy and Millie and the Very Fine House – Libby Gleeson, Freya Blackwood (ill) – I prefer their earlier collaboration Amy and Louis, but I still love this book too. Beautiful pictures by Freya Blackwood and sweet story that explores how simple objects can become so much more in the clutches of a child’s imagination.

Vivi finds Bean- Vanessa Holle – A Charming and beautifully designed book about a Vivi’s journey from Hamburg to Sydney to find her grandma Bean.

Who Wants to Be a Poodle? I Don’t! – Lauren Child – From the creator of Charlie and Lola, I am a big fan of Lauren Child’s writing and the true Britishness of the language. A story about a poodle with a ridiculously unnecessary name who would rather her owner saw her for the devilishly adventurous and dangerous dog that she is.

Sunday Chutney – Aaron Blabey – Aaron Blabey loves a character with quirks. I like how his stories are all about people who feel generally awesome being exactly who they are (or at least stumbling upon this knowledge during the story). Plus he has awesome character names. Sunday Chutney is no exception. She’s travelled the world with her family her whole life and never quite fits in. Sunday loves big breakfasts with her parents, drum solos, marine biology and sticking up for a good cause. She does not love grumpy people, creamed corn or bullies. 

Sarah’s Heavy Heart – Peter Carnavas – As a kid, there’s nothing like owning a book with a character that shares your name. I must be a giant kid because I love pretending this book is about me. I think I too tend to have a bit of an oversized heart at times. Such a cute story. ‘Sarah knew the heart would always be hers to carry. She just wished it wasn’t so heavy.’

I think that’s all I have left in me for now. Stay tuned in oh-ten for more ponderings. Here is a picture I made for a new addition in my extended family. Up, up and away in 2010.